The BSE Sensex fell 477 points or 0.6% to 82,079 in early deals on Wednesday after being flat in the previous session, tracking a drop in Asian peers, following losses on Wall Street overnight amid a significant sell-off in tech stocks.
IRFC, IREDA, SJVN among 19 PSU stocks that qualify for F&O entry post Sebi rule revision
As the revised norms for stocks’ entry and exit in the futures & options (F&O) segment comes into force, there are 19 PSU counters which are eligible for inclusion according to estimates by Nuvama Institutional Equities.
3 Adani Group stocks eligible for inclusion after Sebi’s F&O entry, exit norms’ revision
Three Adani Group stocks viz. Adani Green Energy, Adani Energy Solutions and Adani Total Gas are eligible for inclusion in the derivatives segment as per the new criteria for the entry into the futures & options (F&O). Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) on Friday tweaked the entry and exit criteria for stocks via a circular.