Trump does dirty business again

Trump Says U.S. Tariffs Could be Applied to Chinese Goods Worth $500 Billion

Gold Silver Reports (GSR) – Trump Says U.S. Tariffs Could be Applied to Chinese Goods Worth $500 Billion – Trump confirmed that the United States would begin collecting tariffs on $34 billion in Chinese goods at 12:01 a.m. Washington D.C. time (0401 GMT) on Friday and warned that subsequent rounds could see tariffs on more than $500 billion of goods, or roughly the total amount that the United States imported from China last year.


Trump does dirty business again

Donald Trump Misguided Trade War

Gold Silver Reports (NBR) – Donald Trump Misguided Trade War — U.S. President Donald Trump may sincerely think he’s battling to win Americans a better deal on trade with China. In fact, he’s making a better deal harder to achieve — and threatening to inflict grave economic damage on the U.S. economy in the process.