The Eurozone Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) rose 2.4% year-over-year (YoY) in December after reporting a 2.2% increase in November, the official data released by Eurostat showed Monday. The reading aligned with the estimated 2.4% print for the reported period.
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जेफरीज ने भारत में अच्छी ग्रोथ की जताई उम्मीद, कैपेक्स साइकिल बेहतर होने का मिलेगा फायदा
जेफरीज (Jefferies) के मुताबिक भारत पिछले दो सालों में सबसे तेजी से बढ़ती अर्थव्यवस्था (Economy) बन गया है. उसने कहा कि इसके पीछे मुख्य वजह कैपेक्स साइकिल का बेहतर होना, बेहतर कैपिटलाइज्ड बैंकिंग सिस्टम, मजबूत क्रेडिट ग्रोथ, हाउसिंग सेक्टर की अच्छी ग्रोथ, मजबूत घरेलू खपत और सर्विस सेक्टर का बढ़ता एक्सपोर्ट है.
चीन ने अपने बीमार बाजारों को सहारा देने के लिए नए उपायों की घोषणा की
एशियाई शेयरों में सोमवार को तेजी आई क्योंकि चीन ने अपने बीमार बाजारों को सहारा देने के लिए नए उपायों की घोषणा की, हालांकि अमेरिकी नौकरियों और मुद्रास्फीति पर रीडिंग से पहले मूड अभी भी सतर्क था जो यह तय कर सकता है कि ब्याज दरों में फिर से वृद्धि होगी या नहीं।
China’s economy may continue to douse the inflation fire
Global Economic Update, 10 August 2023: Last year, China attempted to re-open its economy after years of pandemic restrictions, and many investors became worried that the attempt would add fuel to the global inflation fire.
China places millions into Covid lockdown again as economy continues to struggle
China has placed millions of its citizens under renewed lockdown after fresh outbreaks of Covid-19 as the government persists in its hardline policy on containing the virus in the face of more evidence that it is suffocating the economy.
India’s Central Bank Faces Calls for Rate Cuts – Gold Silver Reports
Gold Silver Reports (GSR) – Growth cooled to 5.8% in the first three months of the year, the slowest pace in several quarters, according to a government report on Friday. That took the expansion in the fiscal year to March 2019 to 6.8%, lower than the 6.9% median estimate in a Bloomberg survey.
Breaking News – U.S. Tariffs Planned For $300 Billion More – Gold Silver Reports
Gold Silver Reports (GSR) – U.S. Tariffs Planned For $300 Billion More – Late Monday, the U.S. Trade Representative’s Office released plans to impose 25% tariffs on the $300 billion worth of Chinese goods that have not been taxed so far. President Donald Trump has been threatening such a move even as he raised tariffs on $200 billion worth of goods to 25% from 10%.