The Frankfurt-based institution said it will buy 15 billion euros ($17 billion) of assets a month from October to December, and that a decision to halt the program after that continues to be contingent on incoming economic data. Policy makers reiterated that interest rates will remain at their present record lows “at least through the summer” of 2019.
ECB Bond Buying
Draghi Ends ECB Bond-Buying Era Saying Economy Can Beat Risk
Gold Silver Reports (GSR) – Draghi Ends ECB Bond-Buying Era Saying Economy Can Beat Risk — Mario Draghi said the euro-area economy is strong enough to overcome increased risk, justifying the European Central Bank’s decision to halt bond purchases and close an extraordinary chapter in the decade-long struggle with financial crises and recession. The euro fell after the central bank also pledged to keep interest rates unchanged at current record lows at least through the summer of 2019, a longer timeframe than investors had priced in. Policy makers will phase out bond purchases by the end of this year in what Draghi described as a unanimous decision.