फेड द्वारा और अधिक कटौती की संभावना, मध्य पूर्व में तनाव के कारण सोने में बढ़त जारी

फेड द्वारा ब्याज दरों में और कटौती की उम्मीदों के कारण बाजार में सोने की कीमतों में वृद्धि जारी है। इस तरह की कटौती से सोना, जो एक गैर-उपज वाली संपत्ति है, अधिक आकर्षक हो जाएगा। इज़राइल और लेबनान के बीच बढ़ते तनाव ने कीमती धातु की मांग बढ़ा दी है।


Copper Extends Gains on Risk-On Sentiment

Copper Extends Gains on Risk-On Sentiment

Base Metal Outlook: Copper futures climbed above $4.3 per pound in mid-September, scaling the highest levels in two months as the US Federal Reserve jumbo rate cut boosted the global economic outlook, fuelling a rally in risk assets.


Fed Meeting press conference quotes

Fed Meeting press conference quotes

Fed Meeting press conference: Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell explains the decision to cut the policy rate, federal funds rate, by 50 basis points to the range of 4.75%-5% after the September meeting and responds to questions in the post-meeting press conference.


Gold Edges Higher Amid Softer U.S. Dollar and CPI Expectations

Gold Edges Higher Amid Softer U.S. Dollar and CPI Expectations

Understanding the Relationship Between Gold Prices and the U.S. Dollar

The relationship between gold prices and the U.S. dollar is one characterized by an inverse correlation. Traditionally, when the dollar weakens, gold tends to rise in value, and this dynamic can be attributed to several interrelated factors. A weaker U.S. dollar enhances the purchasing power of foreign buyers, enabling them to acquire more gold for the same amount of their local currency. Consequently, this increased demand can lead to higher gold prices on the global market.