Will Donald Trump unleash Wall Street?

Will Donald Trump unleash Wall Street?

According to Jamie Dimon, chief executive of JPMorgan Chase and king of Wall Street, bankers were elated upon Donald Trump’s election victory. Many chafed under Joe Biden’s presidency, as mergers and bank fees faced additional scrutiny, and new capital-market rules came thick and fast. Now, with the inauguration of Mr Trump imminent, American financiers will discover just how much cause they have for celebration.


The Fed is ready to free up the US economy with a soft landing

Fed Meeting Results: FOMC ने दरें स्थिर रखीं, पॉवेल ने कहा कि सितंबर में कटौती संभव है

🟢 Fed Meeting Results: यूएस फेडरल रिजर्व ने 31 जुलाई को दो दिवसीय फेडरल ओपन मार्केट कमेटी (FOMC) की बैठक के बाद ब्याज दर के अपने फैसले की घोषणा की, जिससे बेंचमार्क ब्याज दरें लगातार आठवीं बैठक के लिए 5.25 प्रतिशत – 5.50 प्रतिशत पर अपरिवर्तित रहीं, जो वॉल स्ट्रीट के अनुमानों के अनुरूप है।


US tariffs and strong US dollar may drag down industrial metals prices

A 15% tariff on a total of $112 billion of Chinese goods are set to go into effect at midnight

Tariffs on $112 billion of Chinese goods are set to go into effect at midnight ET. While some duties have been delayed and some items have been removed from the original list of $300 billion Chinese imports, many everyday grocery items and household staples will still be targeted beginning Sunday, according to an official list that spans 122 pages.