Fund manager Paulson & Co. Inc, a shareholder of Callon Petroleum, is dropping its opposition to a merger between Callon and Carrizo Oil & Gas that could be the start of consolidation among smaller shale players after the massive Occidental-Anadarko deal.
Donald Trump: Trade talks moving along ‘very nicely’, but deal has to be right
US President Donald Trump said on Saturday that trade talks with China were moving along “very nicely,” but the United States would only make a deal with Beijing if it was the right deal for America.
White House plan to Roll Back China Tariffs Faces Fierce Internal Opposition
An agreement between the United States and China to roll back existing tariffs as part of a “phase one” trade deal faces fierce internal opposition in the White House and from outside advisers, multiple sources familiar with the talks said.
US-China Trade Relations Become that Their Impact is Felt in Financial Markets
US-China trade relations become that their impact is felt in financial markets, boardrooms and even central banks. Washington and Beijing ratcheted up tariffs in August and investors took fright, triggering official promises to revive trade talks. But are the US and China likely to pull back from the brink?
अमेरिका-चीन ट्रेड वॉर पर वार्ता का पहला दिन, सीमित समझौते की बढ़ी उम्मीद
अमेरिका और चीन के बीच करीब 15 महीने से जारी ट्रेड वॉर से दुनिया को कुछ राहत मिलती दिख रही है. अमेरिका और चीन के वार्ताकारों के बीच गुरुवार को दो दिवसीय वार्ता का पहला दौर संपन्न हुआ है. कारोबार जगत को उम्मीद है कि दोनों देशों के बीच कुछ सीमित समझौता हो जाएगा और अमेरिका प्रस्तावित टैरिफ बढ़त को रोक देगा.
Saudi Arabia Output to Rise to Just Above 10 Mln b/d over Next 2 Months
Saudi Arabia doesn’t yet plan production above its assigned OPEC quota of 10.311mbpd
Saudi King Reportedly Emphasises Drive Towards Ensuring Stability In Oil Markets
Growth Stumbling But Central Bank Arsenals are Near Empty
Gold Silver Reports – Global economic growth is slowing, according to the International Monetary Fund, policymakers and hundreds of economists polled by Reuters – but that downturn is coming at a time when central banks’ arsenals are running on empty.
Oil Hits 2019 High as OPEC+ Re-Commits to Cuts in the Near Term
Crude Oil closed at its highest yet this year as OPEC and its partners committed to continuing production cuts until at least June, when they will meet to discuss an extension.
US Ready to Review Preferential Status if India Comes up with a Trade Proposal: Report
Observing that trade has been an area of frustration in bilateral ties, the US has said that the door is open if India is prepared to bring a serious proposal to the table to address the issues related to trade and market access.