फेड ने रोक लगाई, पर एक और बढ़ोतरी संभव है

The Fed Has to Talk a Big Game

Ultimately, he thinks the Fed will not act as aggressively as stated through their current projections. The Federal Open Market Committee in September indicated another rate hike this year, bringing the 2018 total to four, along with three more next year and another hike or two in 2020.


The US Economy and the Midterm Elections – Gold Silver Reports

The US economy is growing, inflation has finally hit the US Federal Reserve’s 2% target, and unemployment is quite low – and at an all-time low for African-Americans and Hispanics. For the first time in memory, there are more job openings listed by US companies than there are unemployed people. Such conditions usually foreshadow rising real (inflation-adjusted) wages, which would indicate that American workers, many of whom were left behind in the anemic post-crisis recovery, might finally reap benefits from the strong economy.