Google’s 20th Birthday, Google is 20 years old

Google was incorporated on September 4, 1998, but the company has always celebrated its birthday on September 27th for over a decade. Today, it’s marking 20 years of Google Search with a slew of interactive features: there’s a video doodle highlighting popular searches over the years, a time capsule of Easter egg Search terms, a street view tour of the original garage in which the company was founded, and finally, a Google Images desktop redesign.


Google CEO Pichai Set to Cash In $380 Million Award This Week

Gold Silver Reports (GSR) – Google CEO Pichai Set to Cash In $380 Million Award This Week – Pichai, 45, who has led Alphabet Inc.’s Google since 2015, received the shares before his promotion to senior vice president of products a year earlier, when he took over many of co-founder Larry Page’s responsibilities. The award swelled in value as Alphabet’s stock surged 90 percent since the grant date, compared with a 39 percent advance of the S&P 500. He has received two more nine-figure stock grants since then. The company has yet to disclose Pichai’s compensation for 2017.                   


Google Shakes Up Management at Top of Powerful Search

Google Shakes Up Management at Top of Powerful Search

Gold Silver Reports (GSR) – Google Shakes Up Management at Top of Powerful Search — To run search, Google tapped Ben Gomes, a company veteran and the architect of a series of overhauls this past year to stem misinformation on its platforms. Jeff Dean, a co-founder of the Google Brain research lab, will lead the critical AI division.