Gold Price Today 02 August 2023, Gold Outlook: बुधवार को सोना चढ़ गया क्योंकि फिच द्वारा संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका की प्रतिष्ठित AAA क्रेडिट रेटिंग को डाउनग्रेड करने के बाद अमेरिकी डॉलर, ट्रेजरी की पैदावार और एशियाई शेयरों में गिरावट आई, जिससे अर्थव्यवस्था में विश्वास में कमी आई और सुरक्षित-हेवन बुलियन में रुचि बढ़ गई।
gold silver rate today
Gold Prices Today Fall sharply for 2nd day in a row, silver rate dips
Gold Prices Today: Gold struggled in Indian markets today as global rates fell to more than one week low. On MCX, gold futures were down 0.61% to ₹48,588 per 10 gram, extending losses to the second session.
Gold prices down ₹5,500 from life time highs, Silver Rates slip
Gold prices and silver prices in India struggled for direction amid muted global rates. On MCX, December gold futures were down ₹50,653 per 10 gram while silver futures edged slightly lower to ₹61,512 per kg.
Gold Fever in 2020 Means Exchange-Traded Funds – GSR
Gold Fever : In the 19th century California goldrush, the surest way to a fortune, according to Mark Twain, was to be in the “pick and shovel business.”