Brexit Developments

Eyes on Brexit Developments

Eyes on Brexit developments – With the latest developments reviving hopes of a Brexit deal, the GBP/USD pair gained traction during the European trading hours on Monday and caused the Greenback to face a renewed selling pressure.


Brexit Deal Bid

May to Agree Departure After Latest Brexit Deal Bid – Gold Silver Reports

ब्रिटिश प्रधान मंत्री थेरेसा मे ने गुरुवार को अपने ब्रेक्सिट सौदे को संसद द्वारा अनुमोदित करने के नवीनतम प्रयास के बाद जून की शुरुआत में अपने प्रस्थान के लिए एक समय सारिणी निर्धारित की है, गुरुवार को एक शक्तिशाली रूढ़िवादी समिति के अध्यक्ष ने कहा।


Final Brexit Move Today

Brexit Latest News – Today in Brexit: The PM Faces a Grilling on her Brexit Strategy

Gold Silver Reports (GSR) – Theresa May will face questions on her strategy @ 3 public and private meetings on Wednesday. She wants to wrap up talks with the opposition LabourParty on a compromise Brexit-Solution next-week, according to a person familiar with her thinking. Channel Four reports that she’s about to offer Labour pretty much everything it wants to get a deal done.