Indian Agri Markets Weak Trend

Indian Agri Markets Weak TrendGold Silver Reports – Trend looks weak for the Agri sector as fall in International markets across most sectors are likely to pressurize Indian market sentiments also. Short term trend looks slight weak for the time being even as traders expect the trading activities to pick up in coming weeks.


Agri Markets to Remain volatile in India

gsr-Agri-commodity-neal-bhai-reportsGold Silver Reports – Agri markets opened on a subdued note in the New Year as closure of International markets kept export demand low. Prices likely to remain a bit volatile in the short term but are likely to show recovery as exports start recovering amidst a pickup in domestic demand.


Indian Agri Markets Hopeful of Positive in 2016 New Year


Gold Silver Reports – Ahead of the New Year, Agri markets managed to stage a bounce back even as trading activities remained low in the mandis.

Traders anticipate the new year to bring in some positive sentiments for the Agri counters with recovery expected from these low levels.