According to Nael Bhai, copper may get caught in the tariff war. Many traders believe that after the announcement of 25% tariff on aluminium and steel, US President Trump has his eyes on copper, if this happens then copper may go above 900 on MCX.
copper price
copper price
MCX Copper Hits 4-Month High 859
Copper futures rose to nearly $4.50 per pound on Thursday, marking a four-month high.
The rally was driven by a sharp decline in the US dollar and easing concerns over a global trade war.
Copper Set for Strong Weekly Gain
Copper futures rose above $4.29 per pound on Friday and were poised to gain more than 6% for the week, marking the best weekly performance since May of last year, when copper prices surpassed the $5 mark.
MCX Copper Tips For Today (20 December 2024)
MCX Copper Tips For Today: Real Time MCX Copper Forecast for Today: Free Copper Trading Tips, MCX Copper Intraday Calls, Copper Price, Copper Market Commodity Trading Tips.
Zambia’s Mopani Copper Mines Extends Smelter Closure
Mopani Copper Mines, Zambia’s third-largest copper producer, expects its main copper smelter to remain shut until the end of February 2025, Chief Executive Charles Sakanya said.
Copper Hovers Near 1-Month High
Copper futures eased to around $4.20 per pound on Tuesday but remained near a one-month high reached in the previous session, following the announcement of additional economic stimulus measures by Chinese policymakers.
Copper comes off four-month high
Copper gave up gains from a four month high on Monday as equities fell sharply as Middle East worries escalated and investors awaited comments from ECB President Christine Lagarde and Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell for additional clues on the rate outlook.
तांबे की कीमतों में गिरावट क्यों?
दुनिया की सबसे बड़ी खनन कंपनी बीएचपी (BHP) ग्रुप लिमिटेड ने मंगलवार को कहा कि वह अपने बढ़ते तांबे के पोर्टफोलियो से रिटर्न बढ़ाने पर ध्यान केंद्रित करेगी, क्योंकि उसे लगता है कि इस महत्वपूर्ण नई ऊर्जा धातु के लिए दीर्घकालिक लाभ, चीन में मांग कम होने के कारण लौह अयस्क से घटते रिटर्न की भरपाई करने में मदद करेगा।
MCX Copper Tips: Yesterday Buy Call Profit Rs 50,000 in 2 Lots, Enjoy With Family
MCX Copper Tips: Yesterday Buy Call Rocking, 800 to 810.35 with in few hours. Profit Rs 50,000 in 2 Lots, All Paid Member’s Enjoy With Family.
Copper is down by 2.02%
Copper Price Outlook: Copper decreased 2.02% to 4.092 USD/Lbs. Zambia’s copper output fell 2% in 1H this year as Africa’s second-largest producer of the industrial metal grapples with drought-induced electricity crisis at its hydropower plants, says Oxford Economics Africa. Its refined copper exports also declined 2% to 378,400 metric tons in 1H but earnings climbed to $1.9 billion in 2Q from a $1.5 billion in 1Q driven by robust global copper prices, it notes.